Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thankful Thursdays.

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the JourneyToday is Thursday and I am thankful. Sonya at Truth 4 the Journey has Thankful Thursday, every Thursday....Why don't you join in. What are 5 things that you are Thankful for today? Here are mine.......

1. That I have a sturdy home. Especially after the insane storm we had yesterday.
2. That no one that we know was hurt in the storm , at least none that we know of.
3. For the donations of warm children's clothes and blankets that the mothers at Joe and Jesse's school donated to our orphans.
4. That my children LOVE to sing praises to God, the whole way to school we had Forever God is faithful and the top of their lungs.
5. That I managed to sell the last puppy yesterday and that money helped me to buy an outfit for the weddings that I have to go to in the UK this coming trip.


Anonymous said...

You have a sweet heart...I can tell from the list

God Bless

Yolanda said...

What a blessing you are to many of us! I love coming to your blog and peeking into your world. ON your Tuesday post, your recipe, a mug equates to like a coffee cup? And 190 c, do you know what that is in f?

Bless you!!!

lindsey said...

How great that the mum's at school are getting involved! Can't wait for them to be singing praises in Grandma & Grandpa's car!xx

Vashti said...

Mum it is great but they still dont talk to me!!!! Hahaha.

Danae Hudson said...

I love your list. It's always nice to see all the little things that you're thankful for. They all really add up. God is good.

I like to bust out "Pharoah, Pharoah" and "If I Were A Butterfly" when I'm walking down the street. ;) Do you know those?! Almost all the praise songs I know involve hand motions. :-D

Sharlyn Guthrie said...

It sounds as though you have MUCH to be thankful for, especially escaping harm from the storms. Your children are beautiful. I'm glad they are learning to praise God at the top of their lungs!

SusanD said...

You have a great list and much to be thankful for. I love to sing at the top of my lungs. But mine is definitely a "joyful noise." Blessings, SusanD

Lisa said...

God's protection and His provision! We serve a loving and faithful God!
Blessings - Lisa