Thursday, August 23, 2012

HIS calling, MY Arbonne, YOUR opportunity.

I'm a firm believer of 'Calling' and destiny and all that good stuff. I can not see that ours lives are purely given to us that we might be born, grow up,  get a job, get married, have kids and then die. What would be the point of that? I believe that God has pre-destined our lives. He has set aside a calling, a job for each of us. Philippians 3: 12-14 says press on to the goal, press on so that I can take hold of that which He has for me.  That calling has been fashioned and honed to our gifts, talents and passions. Over the past few years He has really been unveiling my purpose to me. Its both terrifying and exciting all at the same time. Its terrifying due to the size and enormity, there is NO way that I can do it alone. And it is exciting because I know that He has placed me here for such a time as this.

For those of you who know me and follow my blog I think you have  a sense of what my calling might be! For those who dont let me give you an idea of my heart and His calling.......

4 years ago I started to help out in a homeless shelter in the Point Road area of Durban. Over the years I have spent my time building relationships with the sex workers who are living in the shelter. Helping them with hospital appointments, jobs, getting home to family and various other tasks that no one else will help them with. (like giving birth!!)

A couple of weeks ago I met with a Natalie from an organization called Red Light. This organization works to fight Human and sex trafficking in the Durban area. Nat asked me to share what I felt God had put on my heart. When I had finished we realized that God had bought us together for a reason. Our callings and passions are almost identical and each of us are bringing different gifts and talents and experience to the table to make this calling a reality and a success.We are so excited about this new relationship and we KNOW that God has put us together.
There are a number of things that need to happen in my life before I can fully step into what God has put out in front of me. For example, I need a vehicle. The Red Light offices are miles away and so is the Shelter and various other places where we are planning to reach into. For me to really make a go of this I need a car. And I need a monthly income in order to pay for gas and insurance. I also need an income to help support my family.

That's where the 'MY Arbonne' part of my post title comes in to play..........
Do you guys know about Arbonne? Are you buying their products? No? Well let me just help you out in rectifying that for you!
Arbonne is a FANTASTIC company that sells great life changing products. From Anti-Aging products to Cosmetics. Men's products to baby products. Health products to Body and Skin care, Arbonne has it all.

You might be wondering "whats so amazing about Arbonne?" Well one question I have is "whats NOT amazing about Arbonne?"
Arbonne products are not only skin and body friendly, they are earth and animal friendly. They are made with only pure and safe ingredients. No mineral oils, no petroleum, no parabens. All Arbonne products are botanically based.  Arbonne products are free from.......
*Animal products or animal by-products
*Formaldehyde donating preservatives
*The following petroleum based ingredients:Benzene,Mineral Oil, Petrolatum, Phthalates, Toluene
Very few companies can honestly claim this. Even well known Baby companies are using these toxins and damaging ingredients in their ranges. For those of you with babies I really urge you to swop to Arbonne baby products immediately, for the sake of your baby's skin.
 If you want to know more about Arbonnes ingredient policy please go HERE

I have join Arbonne as an Independent Consultant. There are a number of reasons why I have joined this company. Firstly I totally believe in their products, I love how they are builders of individuals, they WANT ME to succeed. I am part of an AMAZING team of women who are building their Arbonne businesses together, loving each other and empowering each other. Another reason is that I can work from home, in my own time, in my PJ's if I want ;-).  I can financially support my family and His calling on my life through my Arbonne business..... and this is my plan.

So What is the "YOUR opportunity" part of my title?

Well I'm here handing you an amazing opportunity to change YOUR life, the lives of those around you, the life of my family and the lives of the women that I work with here in South Africa. How is that possible? How can little ol' you change and impact So many lives? By joining Arbonne, that's how!
Its so easy and the chance to change so many lives is so great. You have the opportunity to change 100's of lives! Right now, starting today.

You could start with one small step of going to the Arbonne website and buying a few products via me, your Independent Consultant.
Or you could take a larger step by signing up to become a preferred client and get some cracking bonus'.
OR you could take a big life changing leap and become an Independent Consultant like myself and start your own Arbonne business.
I know that as you are reading this some of you have a tugging on your heart. Listen to that voice. Is it telling you its your moment for change? If it is then I recommend you do just that, right now.
Make a step to a healthier, happier more complete you.
There are so many wonderful women who are on their Arbonne journey. Many of them are fully supporting their families, to the point where their husbands have been able to stop working!
They are funding amazing over seas projects and missions. Building schools in Africa. Funding church missions trips to 3rd world countries.
They are able to pay off their mortgages and car payments and get themselves and their family out of debt, just by starting their own Arbonne business and going for it. Believing in their calling and fulfilling their desire to change the world that they living.
You can check out Cecilia's story here. And Anne Marie's story of how she has become a missionary thanks to her Arbonne business.

I am going to be using my Arbonne income to support my family and to fund my work with Red Light and the Homeless Shelter.
I am going to aim to put 25% of my income into my calling, and as my business grows and my income becomes larger I will up the %.

SO....... Want to join in the fun? Want to change the world? YES?? Its really easy. If you are in the UK you can go to
If you are in the States you can go to
Are you in Canada? Then the site you are looking for is

Go on a life changing shopping spree, sign up to become a Preferred Client or change your future by becoming a Independent Consultant. You can email me at where I can help you with that intital purchase by giving you my consultant info. Every time you use me as your consultant you automatically give to my family and the women that I work with.
So in advance I want to thank you for your custom and your desire to change lives.

Together we really can change the world. Empower others and make a difference in this world. Wont you join me on this mission?
Email me...... I'm waiting for YOU!

1 comment:

lindsey said...

Great post! Praying for a good response to this so you can fulfil what God is calling you into x