Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Joe is 5!

Joe turned 5 last week! I really don't know where the past 5 years have gone! We had a BBQ with friends to celebrate and it was wonderful. Kristy took some awesome photos and I wanted to share with you guys.

It's Toothbrush!

Boys being boys.

The birthday boy with his blue cake.

So pleased with his pumpkin.

Serious work.


Andrea said...

My kids are all grown now and I don't know where the time went, either. It seems like a flash before my eyes!

lindsey said...

Lovely photos x

Danae Hudson said...

1) You look hot.
2) Amazing pumpkins.
3) Love the blue cake!


Jewel said...

That is the strangest pumpkin I have EVER seen! It looks a little icky to me, but I like that its unique!

Happy birthday Joe!! Hug him until he won't let you.

Stephanie Lindunda said...

Happy Birthday Joe!! Cant believe you are 5 and I haven't met you. Soon!! Love you, and your mommy too!

Anonymous said...

you look a little psychotic in the eyes there vashti. what are you looking at?!