Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Break though, protection, Love gift and Chillies!

Some days I am almost oblivious to the fact that I live in Africa, other days I am brutally aware. Today I am the latter.
I hadn't had the opportunity to go to the valley delivering food for a while so I decided that I would go today, I am so glad that I did.
South Africa is such a beautiful country, it is easy to forget the hardships and struggles that her people face every day. To go to the valley and visit the different orphans and their extended families is life changing for me. Every time I go God speaks to my heart and reminds me of why He bought me to this country. It is so easy to get bogged down with the negatives of living this life and I often forget that His plan is so intricate and detailed and so perfect for my life.

This is Sta . She is 4 years old and lost her parents to AIDS. She does not talk. No matter how hard we try she will not talk to anyone, she can talk but has chosen not to. Her grandmother said that when her mother passed away last year Sta stopped talking. Today I had a break through with her. I was sitting outside her house with her Grandfather and brother and she came and sat a few feet away from me. I watched her out of the corner of my eye while I chatted with her grandfather. As we were talking I could see that she was intrigued by the words that were coming out of my mouth and then even more amazed that her grandfather was also talking back to me in the strange language. As she was listening to us she was also moving closer to me. After about 10 minutes of me sitting talking she climbed onto my lap and snuggled into me. This has never happened before and it bought tears to my eyes. This little girl needs a mummy so bad. She stayed cuddled on my lap the rest of our visit.
One of our teenage girls lives here with her aunt and Grandmother (Gogo). Today we were on our way to her house when we saw her walking along the road with 3 men. She is 14 years old. We pulled over on the quad bikes and told her that we were coming to visit her. She told us that she will be home in half an hour. As she walked off the 3 men followed her. You know I really believe that God gives us discernment and at this moment I had a really bad feeling about those guys. But she seemed to know them and was not scared of them, in fact she seemed quite comfortable to be with them. So I didn't say anything to her I just sat on the back of the quad bike and prayed, when we reached the next child's house we got off the quad bikes and I told Mart about how I felt about those guys, he felt the same and so did Nomsi (our staff member). So when we arrived at her house to deliver her food and teach her the life skills lesson Nomsi and I took the opportunity to talk with her aunt and Gogo. They were horrified that she was with these guys and were sure that the girl did not know the men. So then Nomsi talked with the girl. It turns out that infact she did not know the men!! She had had her cell phone confiscated in class and the teacher told her that if she wanted it back then she had to take an adult to the school with her. As she didn't want to get into trouble with Auntie and Gogo she had asked these guys off the street if they would go with her to the school which was a mile walk away. South Africa is the rape capital of the world and this girl thinks that is ok to do something like this, CRAZY!! We told her the dangers of what she had done and she understood what we were trying to get at. I really pray that she thinks next time and if there is a next time I will act on what I believe God is prompting to to do.On a lighter note.....I believe that God likes to treat His kids with little things that He knows we will love. It's like a little personal gift, a way of telling me that He knows me and He loves me. Today this Luna moth was my gift! I LOVE animals and creatures of all kinds but beautiful delicate ones are my fav! Last time He gave me a gift like this it was a stunning purple humming bird the size of my thumb, this time is was this beautiful Luna moth. She was sitting on the wall of the last house that we visited, the Gogo here thought I was crazy getting all excited about this silly old moth. Out of sympathy for my lunacy she blessed my with a bucket full of chillies!!

Not sure what to do with all my chillies, maybe a nice chili jam or relish.......anyone have any good recipes??


Anonymous said...

Hmm...I've always been interested in making a chocolate chili cake...but I don't have any recipes for one, sadly.

And that little girl is beautiful. I hope that God can lift her sadness someday.

Shannon said...

I always love your pictures and I love hearing the stories that go with them. Sta is so precious. I will be praying for her.

Stephanie said...

What a beautiful little girl with such a tragic story. I am so glad God used you to bless her with love on this day.

Katie said...

I pray that this little girl finds a forever family, she is so cute. God is happy that you are helping children and loving them. I love His little gifts also, they are so special. Or the special sunsets he creates, I just think of Him!

Kelly said...

Stories like this break my heart. I would love to take in all the little children and raise them. I wish I could. Maybe one day I will get just one. :-)

Sonja @ Craft-Werk said...

It is heartbreaking to read about the little girl who has decided not to speak anymore to the world which took her mum away. I really do not know what can be done to help all these children - there must be thousands like her. So sad! Keep up your great work!

Doodles said...

it is so wonderful the work you do and through you Gods work is done. Thank you.

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

That little moth is so cute. I guess they see it so often that they don't get so excited about it. I would be excited too. I love to look at insects with different colors.

mommytoalot said...

REading your blog has really opened my eyes, even after only reading 4 posts.
My whinning about treating the girls for lice and having the washer break down is nothing compared to what these families , these children are going through. You are doing amazing work.

Anonymous said...

You are a saint!

La Belle Mere said...

Wow, my blog suddenly seems very superficial (I mostly whinge about the trials of being a stepmother!!) compared to the nightmares you are dealing with.

I love that moth! I like the way their wings like a giant face to confuse predators.

LBM xxx

Jennifer Bowen said...

What a beautiful gift! I'm sure it made you smile knowing He loves you. Sta is a beautiful girl. It's truly sad what happened to her. I will be praying for her. May she lead a better life, one that's closer to God.

Queenie Jeannie said...

That IS a cool moth!! It looks just like a leaf!

I can't imagine living where you are. Or having the strength to try to make a difference every day. Bravo!

Pam said...

First, I had no idea there was such a large number of orphans in South Africa. You are right, no one knows about this. I wonder why. Your story about Sta is heartbreaking. I hope she is receiving motherly love from someone in her life. As for the 14year old, it is very surprising that she made the decision she did in the rape capital of the world. Hopefully, she will be more cautious in the future. I wonder about the reason for her naivete. Is it cultural?

Anonymous said...

What a fulfilling life you lead. And you are making a difference in so many other lives.
I loved the part where you said you received a bucket of chilies, in sympathy of your lunacy! Too funny! I wonder if she really thought you were cuckoo? LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm so glad God allowed you to see this girl with the men and she was open to hearing what you had to say.

May God bless you abundantly for all the work you are doing.

Have a great SITS day!

roadrunner201 said...

I, too have worked with a childrens ministry in South Africa (many years ago). I agree that it is a beautiful place, but so many ugly things happen there, especially to children. Praise God for your ministry and your discernment with that young lady.

Robin said...

I pray no harm will ever come to the 14 yr is so good that you were there and able to talk with her and her family.
I hope and pray that one day Sta will find her voice again....her's is such a tragic loss and must be overwhelmingly hard on her. She may not have a "mummy" but for now, it is good that she has a lap that she feels safe to crawl up into.

Sandy said...

I had the pleasure to visit South Africa in 2002. It was truly a trip of a lifetime. I never stopped asking questions from the minute I got off the plane until leaving. I was in the Limpopo Province on the Botswana border. I was so intrigued by everything I saw. I would love to visit again and Durban is one of the areas I hope to see.

Bless you for what you are doing for the people you help.

Stacy Uncorked said...

So cool that you had a breakthrough with Sta...that gave me goosebumps! And it's great that you were able to talk to that girl about the strange men - and that she was open to hearing what you had to say. That Luna moth? Priceless!

Happy SITS Day! :)

seven thirty three said...

Sta is a beautiful child. I hope you have many more break throughs with her. Happy SITS day.

Cheryl said...

It is nice to know that nothing happened to this girl. I wish children could go thru life being children and not have to worry about hardships and the decisions others make. God Bless!

Disney said...

Oh goodness, what heart-wrenching stories!! But what wonderful work you are doing :o) I'm glad you are able to be there

AmericanTribal said...

I'm glad that nothing happened with the girl who got her cell phone taken away at school. I was listening to NPR one night and they were talking about how prevelant rape is in South Africa and it's very scary :(.

Enjoy your chilis!

Anonymous said...

Your posts really touch my heart. I'm sure that you made a life changing difference for both of these girls today. They're blessed that you are there.

Just A Normal Mom said...

Your blog is fantastic. Very enlightening. I am thankful that you, and others, are there to touch the lives of these people...

Enjoy your SITS day!

Sharon said...

THANK YOU for standing on the front lines and being the hearts and hands of the LORD. Your blog reminded me of so many things that I need to be praying for.

BLESSINGS on you and your family.

sweetjeanette said...

Congrats on being the featured blogger on SITS today! I haven't a clue what I'd do with chilies either! LOL. Isn't it great when our maker, who knows us intimately, sends something he knows we love? Little "God Gifts".

I love your blog!

Jenn Erickson said...

Your stories are stirring, powerful, touching and inspiring.

Jenn @
Stopping by from SITS

Sandy S said...

Chiles? I have no idea what to make with them. Thanks for your wonderful post.
Stopping by from SITS.

Christina said...

How scary for you and the family members of that teenage girl! It's amazing how students sometimes don't process all the pertinent information. How wonderful that she was safe.

I hope you continue to enjoy your SITS day!

MariLee Parrish said...

I'm so glad I found your blog through SITS! It's so easy to lose focus and forget that there is an entire world out there that needs the Lord...not just my own little community. You are in my prayers!

Michelle said...

Um no. No chili recipes. LOL.

thank you for these touching stories. They make my heart hurt. Wish I was working to do more. EVERYWHERE.

I would gladly take these orphans into my home. Just have to convince my husband and pray for the resources.

KimMalk said...

Happy SITS day. Again I am going to echo another blogger's thoughts about being superficial. Many of us blog for fun--I imagine you do it to keep your sanity.

cat said...

Oh my word, that little girl just touched my heart.

Marrdy said...

What an amazing story about Sta. You have a rare gift to touch the hearts of these children.

Annie @ astonesthrowfrominsanity said...

Just goes to show you that that little voice inside of you is usually right! I am enjoying learning about the S. African culture through your blogs.

Anonymous said...

You are doing amazing work! Happy SITS day :)

Mrs. Match said...

That breakthrough must have been so precious. I agree with the others, what you're doing is amazing!!

MamaOtwins+1 said...

Wow- the things you do are inspirational! Happy sits day!

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

Sweet little Sta. How I wish her mother had been spared for her. There must be so many children there without parents. It's so sad. I'm glad you were there to give her a cuddle.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

The story about Sta moved me to tears. I hope she finds strength in herself and opens up soon.

Anonymous said...

The first story brought tears to my eyes. I pray that God will give you more opportunities to minister to this family!
And I pray that the girl from the second story will take to heart how dangerous her actions were! It seems to be a universal thing that teenagers think they are invincible.

Anonymous said...

Visiting from SITS. Chili chocolate fudge would be my idea.

Mammatalk said...

That child's face is gorgeous. May she find the love she needs.

Jennifer Haas said...

That is so scary. I am glad she was OK, and learned to not do that again!

Lindsay Rudolph said...

When this little girl sat in your lap, she was able to tell you so much without saying a word. She trusts you, cares about you and feels safe with you. You have made a major impact in her life and by snuggling up to you, this is her way of saying "thank you". Such a moving post...thank you!

Unknown said...

How awesome to have such a sweet moment with that little girl. How precious. Visiting you from SITS. Enjoy your featured day! :)

Missy said...

I am so glad that girl had you to pray for her after making such a horrible decision.

Stopping in from SITS.

Creative Junkie said...

I don't know if I'd ever be strong enough to live in South Africa. I don't think I could take all the heartache.

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Thank goodness she ended up okay this time and I hope that she understands the dangers now. Such innocence.

Happy SITS Day!

Rachel Lundy said...

How sad, how sweet, how scary, and how beautiful.

Kmama said...

What an amazing moth! I'm so glad that young girl was okay.

Heather said...

I think that God gives us those "feelings" for a reason. If you get a chance, check out a book by Gavin de Becker called "The Gift of Fear."

shortmama said...

What a beautiful girl...I hope she finds everything she deserves

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

That poor little munchkin. I can only imagine the pain she is going through.

Stefanie said...

The stories you share...what an amazing gift you bring to us.

I stopped by from SITS and I am so glad I did! Am really enjoying getting to know you...

KatBouska said...

The work you are doing is an inspiration to us all! Keep it up!

Laura said...

It always saddens me when I hear of little children who have lost their mother. I can't imagine being without my mom.

Sandra Wilkes said...

I think God is always speaking to us in various ways. Mostly we don't hear or get it but every now and then we do. Sounds like you did this day.


I think you have an amazing book inside you.

Congrats on your SITS day :o)

Kari said...

Beautiful writing about this girl. I also love the Luna Moth. Never have seen one of those until now.

jonewman said...

I have a high school friend in Uganda right now. She was a teacher in Wisconsin and she decided to go and teach there and to share her skill of love, knowledge and caring. People like you and Christine are so beautiful and fantastic. Thank you for caring beyond yourselves and for the human are truly an inspiration!

Becky @ Babes in Hairland said...

OH my goodness. That poor little girl. Breaks my heart. What amazing stories & experiences you are having. I am glad there are people in the world that still care about others & fighting for a cause. Stopping by from SITS.