Saturday, January 17, 2009

Afternoon out in the rain!

Today the kids had cabin fever big time, so even though it was raining we decided to take then to Pigldy wigldy Cafe for something to eat and a play. These photos are mainly for my mum... so mum I hope you like them.Love you.

Gotta love those lips!
Pancakes with chocolate syrup and icecream....he ate the lemon garnish and not much else!
This was Jesse being grumpy, with a piece of pancake in his mouth.
Happy now that he realises that it is a pancake.


lindsey said...

Great photo's thanks, can't believe how grown up they both know I love the pancakes!! You need to email the pics to me cos they are too small when I download them off the blog. Love you xxxxxxxxxxx

Shannon said...

What great photos!! And what a fun place to eat and play!

Anonymous said...

Your boys are adorable. :D