Then there are things that are learned and acquired through what Martin and myself and our family and friends teach them....that's nurture.
I look at my boys and the way they are and the only thing that I can see that they got from their biological families are their looks! They are 100% ours! There are times that Joe is so much like Mart it is a bit scary and then there are times that he is just like me, and the same goes for Jesse.
Today I have been cleaning and organizing......(this is the last thing I want to be doing in this heat!!) The boys were very quiet in the living room and usually this is a bad sign but today I was wrong.....
I looked in and this is what I saw........

(loving Jesse's lips in this one!)
Do you have any idea how joyful this makes me? I love that my boys love to read. They sat here for almost and hour. Reading out loud...of course they cant actually read but they know the books well enough to tell the story as they go.
When we were in the UK Mart and I went to the bookstore and bought them a heap load of new books. At the moment we are into....Where the Wild Things are, The Gruffalo (and all the books by the same author), The Polar Express, Do you do a Didgeridoo and loads of others.
Mart and I are BIG readers. And I have a feeling that this love of books that my boys have, comes from the fact that Mart and I are always reading......I am so glad that Nurture out does Nature every time!
Nice quilt on the sofa....just right for beautiful little boys to sit on!
Look at those lips!!!
How precious.
Way to nurture! :)
I agree. My girls are 100% ours and it is fun to see how their personalities are more and more like ours each day.
God is SO good! Merry Christmas!!
I am a birth mother and I totally agree with you that Nurture does out way nature all the time. It amazes me how much my daughter is like her adoptive family and in my case she even kind of looks like them.
Your boys are beautiful, inside and out. You are blessed!
That's so fantastic! I love watching kids read, they're so precious.
god who would't want to read on that gorgeous snuggly couch heaven!
yay the Gruffalo, great book!:)
My brother gave it to my nephew today as it happens!:)
Merry Christmas
Love Dave
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