Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Guess where we are??

We arrived in London early this morning! I know that I have been so rubbish with my blogging over the past few weeks. I have just not been in the blogging mood. not sure why, but it is what it is!
We are in the UK for 2 weeks. And its good to be here. It's cold and wet but thats ok with me! This afternoon Mum and I took the boys up to Ashridge woods for a walk. When we were driving up there the skies opened up and poured with rain. So when we got there we got a hotchocolate and then came home. I will be blogging while I am here. PROMISE!


Stephanie Lindunda said...

Wow that mug is bigger than Jesse!!

Danae Hudson said...

Those pictures are too cute :) I love their hot chocolate mustaches!! Enjoy your trip!! xxx

Margaret said...

How cute!

Jewel said...

Your boys are just so cute! LOVE those mustaches! hehe

Yolanda said...

Oh that hot cocoa looks like it is mighty tasty.

cat said...

Look at those two cuties - the mug looks bigger that him!

mommytoalot said...

LOl..cute cute pics.

strokeofliving said...

These photos of your beautiful boys make up for your lack of blogging desire. Thanks for sharing your holiday photos. Safe journey back home.

Maggie May said...

yay London! and yay adorable boys drinking hot drinks. :)

Michelle said...

are those your sons? THEY are so CUTE!

over from my FB SITS day.