Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why yes I do have the most fertile dogs in all the land.....

Molly popped these out this morning! 7 Fox terrier x Jack Russell sweet.


Margaret said...

So cute!!!!!!!!!

Sandy said...

Congratulations Molly! She looks so much like my Lucy!! I wish I was there to take one of the pups!

strokeofliving said...

Aww, I want one!

Danae Hudson said...

HAHA! I love your title. You do appear to have ridiculously fertile dogs. They think about being pregnant and POP!


Nicolasa said...

Oh my goodness! They are so tiny and cute and clean looking! Congrats to mama dog!

Stephanie Lindunda said...

Mwangala said, "that's a beautiful doggie!"

Jewel said...


Jewel said...


Andrea said...

They are adorable. You are going to have your hands full with these little ones very soon.
Blessings, andrea

Kelly said...

You are crazy!!!!! We've had our new puppy (golden retriever) for a little over a week. We love her, but I can't imagine having a whole LITTER of dogs. (Of course Annie makes dog #3 here, so I almost do.)

Congrats on the puppies.

Shannon said...

So cute!! What do you do with all these dogs? :)

Joey said...

Nothing cuter than a newborn puppy! Congratulations!