There are so many times in my walk that I just want to quit. My faith is not strong and I would love to have a quiet peaceful life. But God has other plans and no matter how bad I want to choose the other option....I cant.
I know some of you are like....what the heck, I would LOVE to live that life, but to be honest to whom much is given much is required. And that which is required is so painful at times. And you know what is crazy?....I LOVE IT! (I also hate it at times, but I love it more often).
The past few weeks have been REALLY hard for us. As a family, a couple and a ministry and we really appreciate your prayers. God is doing amazing things but the devil is really on the war path and has been headed in our direction quite often. We are standing strong but it is hard and it is also heartbreaking. My faith is tested on a daily basis and to be honest often I don't pass that test.
Why am I telling you all this?? Well I know that many of you want to help but don't know how. One way that you can help is by praying for me, my family and the ministry. We NEED people standing behind us in prayer and love. I NEED you.
I hope you can hear my heart today.
Thank you for being you!
Here are a couple of photos of the boys....cause I cant do a post with out a photo!
your boys are gorgeous, your sits day looked like fun and the launch looked great - hope the sunstroke wasn't too bad!
Grandma's scrummy boys!!! I never cease to be amazed at how God found these two beautiful boys and gave them to us! xx
Your family was just added to my daily prayer list!
Your always in my mind and heart. And I'll definitely keep you in my prayers. I hope that everything is okay.
I think many of us definitely DO hear your heart which is why we've chosen to follow you. Not to sit behind the safety of the computer and spy into your world but rather to reach through it and offer hands of prayer and support. I hope you can feel us too.
We are WITH you.
Lisa (AKA BlogBaby's BabyMama)
Wow... you have an amazing story and blog here. Just popped by from SITS... must have missed your big day yesterday. I can't wait to dig deeper and read more of your blog.
Your Blog is very nice! Your photos are really great... you have a very good eye to put the motives in scene. (so one says in Germany, I do not know whether I translate it properly)
Our prayers and positive thoughts are with you and your family! God bless!
Jenn @
I missed SITS day yesterday, so I'm here today...I fully understand what you mean when you talked about others thinking they want to live "this" life. I've been struggling in my life recently and I know so many people who would love to live my life, but it is still hard for me in this moment. It's nice to read from someone else what I am feeling now.
I can understand how your faith would be tested daily living where you live and doing the things you do. I admire your strength and pray that you are able to continue doing what you are called to do. PS. Your boys are so cute.
I know what you are going through! I wish that I could help you out!
Love how honest the blogosphere can be! Came by yesterday on your SITS day, loved you you now. Great post. Saw a blog this morning that touched me. Now that I've read this I feel compelled to send you there. Read her post today and read at the end what her mother sent to her. Beautiful.
Sorry I missed your SITS day yesterday - you are amazing!
I am adding you and your family to my prayer list! I know what you mean-I am also in full time ministry (but not in nearly as heart-breaking of an area as you!) and I often feel my faith is weak and ask God, "Um, I know you're omniscient and all but didn't You mean to choose someone else for this task?" He uses the weak for His glory-one of the qualities that most amazes me about Him!
I'm a day late on your SITS day, but wanted to tell you CONGRATS!
What an amazing life calling! I pray daily to find the strength to move forward in faith to whatever the Lord's will is for my life. I definitely think that I didn't click over to your Blog by accident. You are a true inspiration.
I'll be praying for you and following!
thank you so much for stepping in my TUSCANY on PETER PAN'S Island...
You asked some Fairy dust...?
I would spread it Golden for you..if I could...
But if I look at your two little man: THEY are REALLY GOLDEN...!!!!
Have a great day! elvira
Praying for all your requests and will continue to do so.. What a blessing that you realize that these are trials and respond according to God's word. You are a blessing and encouragement!!
I'm so glad I stopped in at SITS today. I've gotten too many irons in the fire to be a regular anymore, but it was a blessing to be sent here. Our good friends Meg and Roger Hesch spent a number of years in Durban, and recently got us involved in purchasing items, packing and sending care kits for AIDS patients in Sweetwater Township. And still--here we are in our comfort zone. Praying.
My brother and his family were evacuated several times from Liberia and once from Cote d'Ivoire, and told us about seeing children fully armed on the way out. And still--here we are in our comfort zone. Praying.
I'm studying Esther, and smiling at your name. Vashti went against the grain, didn't she, and paid dearly. She could not stand by and take the easy road. Neither can you. I would love to hear the story of your name.
Blessings to all of you.
I've read a lot of your archives and like your blog so much I decided to give you an award. You can copy the image and such over at my site.
You have beautiful boys!!! Prayers heading your way!
Isn't it amazing GOD sends us just what we need exactly in our most desperate state.
I have just joined to follow your blog and I look forward to getting to know you.
Blessings, andrea
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