One of those kids was Phillip. Phillip was my angel! I adored this child. He was so hungry for God and His presence. He was always so willing to help and make my job easier. He always had a smile and a hug for me. Man that smile made my day every time i laid eyes on it. He bought joy to my life and yesterday his life came to an end. Phillip died yesterday morning of a heart attack. He was 18 years old.
This child had grown into an amazing young man, a man like David, after God's own heart. An athlete, a basketball player and example to others. A young man who did not let growing up in the ghetto define who he was going to be in life.
He has left behind his mum Lolita and his younger brother Leshone, please pray for them at this time, particularly for Leshone who is worried about having the same heart problem as the doctors are saying that it could well be hereditary, (their father died from the same heart condition.)
I will not make it to New York for the funeral (too expensive) but my heart is there today. And my prayers are going up on behalf of the family. I rest in the peace of knowing that Phillip is with Jesus, on those fantastic blingy streets of gold (I know he will be loving those!!) And I know he would not want us to be sad, but I am, and I am asking WHY? It comes in waves and I can only imagine how Lolita is feeling right now.
Please pray with me for this family and all of the extended family of Philips that is now living all over the world (Ferdi and Tati I love you)
Thanks everyone.
Praying for this family... how heart broken his momma must feel. What a treasure to know they will meet in heaven again!
That is so sad. I'm so glad he knew the Lord, so you will see him again. But I know you are sad now. thinking of you & his family today.
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