Friday, January 15, 2010

Please pray for these little ones.

Fetal alcohol syndrome occurs when a pregnant woman ingests alcohol during her pregnancy. Not all women who consume alcohol during pregnancy give birth to babies with FAS but here in South Africa it is getting more and more common. Today I met this little guy, he is just 5 months old and has FAS. His mother has another son who has severe Cerebral palsy. Please pray for this family as there is no support system in the hills for these types of conditions.


strokeofliving said...

God bless you Vashti for bringing this to our awareness and of course the little ones over and over again.

Kelly said...

This makes me so sad! I am the adult child of an alcoholic, so I know the effects of being raised in that environment. The fact that the mother didn't even stop drinking in her pregnancy means she most likely is not providing adequate care now. I will pray for them Vashti.

Cara said...

Praying for that the pic of you kissing him.