Thursday, October 1, 2009

The past couple of weeks....

Lots of things have been happening over the past 2 weeks and I thought I would share them with you in the form of photos!
The first very exciting item is the wind turbine is up at the home we are building for one of our orphan families. We are going to be having the grand launch of the house on the 15th of October. We still have a bit to do but it is almost there.
This is Jesse trying to ride Boscoe. Since we got our Doberman so many people have viewed their concern!! Well this dog is one of the best dogs I have ever known! He follows the boys around the garden watching their every move, When they roll in the mud he rolls with them, when they are climbing the tree he is trying to climb with them. When Jesse is trying to get on his back and ride him like a horse he stands as still as possible so that he can get on!
The puppies are getting bigger and cuter , if that is even possible! I already have some one who wants to buy one of the females! just need to find 11 more people to buy the rest!
We emptied the pool out to do some maintenance. The kids are enjoying it as a skate park....I had a go and will not be doing that again!
I went out with the staff to deliver food to some of our orphans. Love it! So blessed by being able to spend time with these beautiful children.

Joe and Jesse have started to build dens! Too cute.

Mart turned 34 and Amahle turned 3 on the same day.

And that's about it ....2 weeks summed up.


Danae Hudson said...

Happy Birthday to everyone!! Oooo. So many comments. :)

I love that they are building forts!!! I still do that every once in awhile. ;)

That pictures makes your pool look HUGE!

And, growing up, our neighbor only had dobermans and it SO depends on the personality of the dog. One of the dogs was very protective of us and wouldn't leave our yard until she saw that we were safe in the house. But it's the fixations. The other dog he had killed our cat (it had a fixation with cats). All in the personality.

And (finally) the house looks great!! I am so glad that you are so, so close!!


Cristy said...

So excited that the house is almost done! What is your next project after it is complete?

The boys and puppies are adorable as ever!

Jewel said...

Where can I read more about these orphans and your work in South Africa? In May I will be leading a team to Mozambique... I've never been to Africa before, but I am well-traveled in Latin America, as well as in Cambodia.

Kelly said...

so who got the Barbie for their birthday? Mart or Amahle? *snicker* Just kidding!

Great photos!

Dave said...


Can't wait for the launch!!! sooooo exciting!


Frugal Vicki said...

Hello from SITS! Wow, you have some amazing stories to tell!