Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thankful Thursday.

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the JourneyToday is Thursday and I am thankful. Sonya at Truth 4 the Journey has Thankful Thursday, every Thursday....Why don't you join in. What are 5 things that you are Thankful for today? Here are mine.......

1. That we are having a great time in the UK.
2. That tonight I am going to a prayer meeting to pray for the nations!
3. That the weather has been fantastic.
4. That I am able to go for a walk with the kids without the fear of getting mugged or worse!!!
5. That I have another 4 weeks in the UK!


Lisa said...

God is our faithful protector! Joining you in thanksgiving.
Blessings ~ Lisa

Yolanda said...

I'm thankful that you are enjoying some time with family in UK.