Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thankful Thursday......

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the JourneyToday is Thursday and I am thankful. Sonya at Truth 4 the Journey has Thankful Thursday, every Thursday....Why don't you join in. What are 5 things that you are Thankful for today? Here are mine.......

1. That Martin is taking the boys up to Sheffield next week so that I can have a bit of a break at my mum and dads on my own....oh the sleep I will get!
2. For my new camera!
3. For good weather.
4. For great Charity shops here in Berkhamsted!
5. That we are going for a walk in the woods this afternoon with everyone.


Kelly said...

Enjoy the sleep! Wow - that is fabulous!

Danae Hudson said...

Definitely enjoy your sleep :) xxx

Danae Hudson said...

P.S. I told Steve what you said about jobs in South Africa! ;)

Lisa said...

Praying that God will refresh you physically and spiritually as you take some time to just rest.
Blessings ~ Lisa

Sonya Lee Thompson said...

Sounds like a great idea. Sleep is so important. I hope you'll feel refreshed in many ways.

Glad you joined in with Thankful Thursday this week!

Sonya Lee

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

Sleep? What is that? I have a toddler who doesn't sleep it's hard going doing without your sleep. I pray God uses this time to refresh and restore you.

Love Collette x