Monday, June 1, 2009

Friend Makin Monday.

It's Friend Makin Monday and Kasey has given us a cracking task this week. If you want to join in pop over to her blog and sign up.

Today's task is to share as few or as many everyday, little tips that you use to make your lives easier. You know- all those special tricks you might have to cook, clean, raise kids, work in the yard, and on and on!

1. ALWAYS use organic milk! Non-organic milk has 30% mucus from the cows udder, organic has only 3% mucus..........MUCUS.........EEwwwwww!

2. I take my own grocery bags to the shop so that I don't have to use plastic store ones.

3. Have a compost bin.

4. Put Glad wrap in the freezer. It makes it easier to tear.

5. Always make a shopping list! You WILL save money if you make a list and stick to it.

6. Bake instead of buying. I bake every week and use them for the boys packed lunch. This saves money and you can monitor what goes in them, how much sugar and fat.


Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Great tip about the plastic wrap in the freezer! Who knew?! All that talk of mucus in milk makes me want to skip it all together. ew.

J.J. said...

never heard about the putting the plastic wrap in the freezer.

Here's a double ewwwww on the mucus.

Have a great Monday!

Becca @ The Texas Darlings said...

Good to see you! Plastic wrap in the freezer is a new one for me too. But I can't stand it when it gets all bunched up together!!

Have a great week!


Amanda Jo said...

I've also never heard of putting plastic wrap in the freezer! I'm going to have to give that a shot. And thanks for the baking tip, I didn't even think about how much money that would save. I'll certainly put it in use come August when my little guy starts taking his lunch to school.

Kasey said...

Mucus in my milk?! Gag-O! Plastic wrap in the freezer? how clever! We've been thinking about the compost thing. I think it sounds like a great idea! hope you have a great week!

Kelli said...

Plastic wrap in the freezer, how interesting. I get so frustrated trying to handle it...thanks.

Renee said...

Great tips! I also use canvas bags for the grocery store and I keep two rolled up re-usuable bags in my purse for shopping at other stores.

Chic Mama said...

Great ideas- thanks so much! And I'm totally with you on the milk front! How gross!

Rhonda said...

Love the plastic wrap tip! Curious where you got your compost bin!? I'm looking for one! Looks like the perfect size!

Unknown said...

We've recently started doing all our own baking too...good tips!! I hope you'll come check mine out even if they are late lol..thanks for sharing!