Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Famous spouse........

Someone asked me if I had to marry someone famous who would it be???
WOW! This is a very serious question to ask! Haha! So I had a good long think about it and here he is

Bruce Springsteen.....my ideal famous man! Weird I know! And yes I know hes old enough to be my dad but in my imaginary, never going to happen world I think hes great!

I asked Mart the same question.....his answer.........

Although I think he would have her wear these 2 outfits for their entire marriage....in which case it wouldn't last 5 minutes!!!!

So my question for you today...If you HAD to marry someone famous who would it be???


Anonymous said...

Hmm...definitely an interesting question. I don't know if I'd even know! I was going to say Milan Kundera, but I don't know if I could deal with the existential thinking all the time. A harder question then I realized!

Shannon said...

That is hard! I'll have to think about it....

Guess what I got in the mail yesterday!!!!! What a sweet surprise! Those candles were so cute! I love that "love" too and your sweet card. You were so thoughtful to think of me. You must send me your address so I can send you a 'thank you'. :)

Vashti said...

Danae....there was me worrying that Bruce is old enough to be my dad....Milan is old enough to be your granddad! hahaha!

Shannon....you are so welcome, I am glad you liked them.


Anonymous said...

I like Chevey Chase...and Adam Sandlier....do you still wanna be my friend..hehe. I know weird huh~

Kelly said...

Simon Baker. Oh yeah! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I know, right?! I find that I go for older men. ;)

Anonymous said...

Tell mart to watch Swordfish!


Vashti said...

Susie......Adam I get....Chevey...WHAT???!!! Haha!

Dave...he needs no encouragment!;-)

Maggie May said...

i'm not sure but Bruce is MINE! stay away from him woman!!

i'm not delusional AT ALL/

Alex the Girl said...

Vin Disel. I'd have him read EVERYTHING to me. That man's voice is Super Hot!