Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Heels and a Happy New Year.......

Every one who knows me, knows that I LOVE feet however do not! I always buy heels telling myself that this pair will be different and my feet will love them and accept them. They never do! So tonight is New Years Eve and we are going to our friends house for a bit of a party and I have decided to wear one of my fav pairs of shoes.
I know that as my mum is reading this post she is reliving Wales and rolling her eyes because she knows the outcome! I also know the outcome.........see below.....
My trusted Havaianas. When in doubt...pack a pair of Flip Flops in your purse! So I will go to the party with my heels on and see how long I last. Mart says a few mins.....I'm going for an hour at least.....Mum what do you think??????
Have a wonderful New Years Eve and may 2009 be filled with laughter and joy.


lindsey said...

I'm with Mart....remembering the visit to the San Francisco Ballet at Sadler Wells too!!! Just talking about this with Amy and Ben at the weekend.Have a great evening xx

Kelly said...

My feet hurt just LOOKING at the top picture! Have fun at your par-tay!

You'll look hot with those shoes on...for a minute. LOL!

Maggie May said...

holy cow those heels are awesome!