Saturday, November 15, 2008


This is how far we have come with the children's home! We have been so busy this week, and it is so exciting seeing it all come to pass, just like He said it would.


Cristy said...

Amazing progress! Is it just the two of you doing all the work? I will be praying for safety and no injuries!

How many children will it house?

Vashti said...

We have a few guys helping out. we have any where between 2 and 30 working on it at a time. We had too many last week so instead of having them all on one house we got some to start house number 2!!!
So we are working on 2 buildings at the moment.
We will be moving a family of 5 children and their grandmother into the first house. it is going to be a 2 story house with 3 bedrooms so plenty of room for them all. Its a palace compared to the shack they are in at the moment. We have also managed to secure a scholorship for the oldest child at a very good school.
Cant wait to see what God does with this family!